Password reset

In case you forget your password, go to and click on the “Forgot password?” link.

Enter your username (the name of the company) in the field and click “Send”

You will receive a link to change your password via email. Open the link and enter a new password which needs to contain at least 8 characters – at least one lower case and one uppercase character, a digit and a special character such as # @ !

Confirm the password and log in to your account with your new credentials.

Searching for a particular card

If you would like to check if a particular person already has a card, you can search by that person’s name, surname, additional identification or barcode number.

To do that, go to Cards >> Type the information you want to search in the field shown in the screenshot below >> Click “Search”

How to order an additional card for a child?

Every additional card for a child is connected to an employee card. If the employee card is deactivated, the additional card for a child is also deactivated.

If you would like to add a KIDS card to a particular employee, you can do that from Orders >> List of new cards >> click on the “Add additional card” button and choose “Дете”

You need to enter the child’s name and surname, as well as the month and year of birth. As the child card is intended for persons under 16, the child’s parent or guardian needs to give their consent for the printing of this card. Therefore, it is necessary to enter the email address of the parent / guardian in the “Email” field and that person will receive an email and will be asked to give his/her consent. Please have in mind that the card can’t be processed before we receive the parent’s consent.

Important: Additional cards for children can be ordered only for active or newly ordered employee cards.

Exporting card information

You can export information about all active or inactive cards into an Excel file. Go to the Cards section, choose “Active cards”or “inactive cards” and click on the “Export in Excel” link. You will be prompted to either open or download the file.

The exported file will contain the following information:

– Name and surname of the card holder
– Barcode number of the card holder’s card
– Card type – employee, accompanying or KIDS
– Financing model
– Date of activation or deactivation, depending on the report you exported